Nearby lightning strike by Dorian Dziadula
Stunning lightning strike approximately 1 km away during an overnight storm in Grau d’Agde, Hérault.

The big one by Gerardo Ibelli
Extremely close lightning bolt near Les Corts, Barcelona

The “V” by Gerardo Ibelli
Two bolts making contact in the sea off the coast of Barcelona.

Lightning over the Chiemsee by David S. Bache
Awesome lightning strikes over the Chiemsee.

Thunderstorm over Altötting by David S. Bache
A strong thunderstorm over Altötting, Bavaria.

Lightning strike triplet in Pula by Sendi Smoljo
A triple lightning strike during a huge thunderstorm passing through the city of Pula.

Bolt from the blue at the coast of Rome by Michi Hutter
As the supercell moved southward along the coast, multiple CGs brightened up the sky on the backside of this storm.

Frequent lightning at the coast of Livorno by Michi Hutter
After a calm night storms were firing up close to the coast of Tuscany.

Strobe lightning along the coast of Rome by Michi Hutter
Shortly after a powerful supercell hit the city of Civitavecchia, an impressive lightning show began.

Bluish supercell in the plains of Lazio by Michi Hutter
In the afternoon the very moist air mass at the coast of Lazio exploded and an isolated supercell formed near Orbetello.

Wall cloud north of the Port of Rome by Michi Hutter
Very low wall cloud of a supercell north of Port of Civitavecchia, also known as Port of Rome.

Supercell over the Port of Rome by Michi Hutter
Powerful supercell over the Port of Rome, Lazio, Italy.

Crazy electrical activity by Dorian Dziadula
Incredible storm in the Camargue with no less than 9 branched impacts over the course of 30 seconds.

LP supercell spinning across the Plains of Ferrara by Michi Hutter
This was the first storm during a high-shear setup with multiple supercells in Northern Italy.

Stormy summer night in Bavaria by Michi Hutter
Powerful cell south of Munich with nice structure, which was producing some great CGs and crawlers at this time.

Beautiful sunset storm under undulatus clouds by Francesco Gennari
That night was emotional to say the least…

Beautiful supercell over Konice by Filip Petržílek
The beautiful structure of a supercell in the haze above Konice during the core splitting phase.

Beautiful supercell over Konice in B&W by Filip Petržílek
B&W picture from a joint trip with Martin V. (EF5_STORM) to Moravia.

Thunderstorm approaching Narbonne by Dorian Dziadula
High-based thunderstorm with branching impacts, approaching the city of Narbonne.