Amazing clouds in pictures

Strong thunderstorm with a gust front by Andreas Feichtmeier
Strong thunderstorm with gust front in southeast Germany

Majestic supercell near Arriba by Maurizio Signani
Supercell near Arriba, Colorado

An explosion of storm clouds by Angelo Concilio
Cumulonimbus cloud exploding with energy over the Campania region of southern Italy

Stunning shelf cloud in South Bohemia by Lukas Gallo
This stunning shelf cloud was captured near Bernartice, South Bohemia region in Czechia

Whale’s mouth over Venice by Francesco Dalla Stella
Another hunt ended with the sight of this imposing “whale’s mouth” with some attempt to create a shelf cloud at its leading edge at the head of an intense storm line descending from the preAlp towards the coast

Under the rainbow by Sütő Máté
A little shower with great lights…it made my day

Beautiful summer storm by Jean-Mickaël Digbo
That day you know it’s going to hit the peaks but that work makes you forget to check the sky… Stunning cumulonimbus taken from the balcony

Amazing supercell structure in northern Italy by Francesco Gennari
Amazing supercell structure intercepted near Forlì, North Italy

Monster supercell over Crescentino by Alessandro Piazza
Huge supercell over Crescentino, Piemonte, Italy.

Mesmerizing storm in Riccione by Francesco Gennari
This is a shot of a decay supercell in the sea, after travelling from the north

Glutton of light by Filip Petržílek
The storm eats light near Kunčice nad Labem

Snow thunderstorm by Francesco Gennari
Graupel, snow and waterspouts on stormy day over the coast of Rimini

Amazing shelf cloud above Cesena by Francesco Gennari
A strong and very fast MCS structure near Cesena, Emilia Romagna, during a summer outbreak

Amazing shelf cloud in southern Germany by Andreas Feichtmeier
Shelf cloud north of Kempten in south Germany

Amazing lightning bolt in Colorado by Anna Gottlieb
This storm was so pretty. When it unleashed a huge CG with a crawler crawling it’s way through the upper structure of the storm, it went to another level

Noctilucent clouds over Central Bohemia by Šimon Rogl
Probably one of the most notable noctilucent clouds of 2020 from Central Bohemia.