Incredible LP supercell in Kansas by Laura Hedien

An “LP sup” (low precipitation supercell) near Moscow KS. She was spinning like a top but they rarely produce tornadoes so you sit back and enjoy the show.

Train passing under a mesocyclone by Alessandro Piazza

Freight train passes under the awesome mesocyclone of this LP supercell

Fabulous LP supercell in Kansas by Dorian Dziadula

Several LP supercells emerged that June evening before a barrage of lightning that lasted more than an hour, striking every 3 seconds.

Beautiful LP supercell by Lukas Gallo

LP supercell near Vodňany in the South Bohemia region of Czechia.

The last stage of a mesocyclonic LP supercell by Filip Petržílek

A mesocyclonic LP supercell in the last phase before disintegration over the vineyards near Hustopeče.

Exceptionally electric supercell in Kansas by Dorian Dziadula

Memorable evening near Selden with two LP supercells, including this one, exceptionally electric

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