Mammatus clouds at Lake Red Rock by Mark De Bruin

Beautiful mammatus clouds display at Lake Red Rock, Iowa

Mammatus clouds over Budweis by Lukas Gallo

Amazing view of supercell and mammatus clouds with a rainbow over Budweis in the South Bohemia region of Czechia

Stunning mammatus clouds by Samuele Pincelli

Beautiful mammatus clouds in Villanova, Modena.

Mammatus clouds illuminated by the setting sun by Aaron Sperschneider

These cloud bumps are called mammatus clouds. They look particularly impressive when illuminated by the setting sun.

Turbulence by Florian Sabo

Sky full of mammatus clouds on a weakening storm in southern Bavaria

Beautiful mammatus clouds above Pag by Danijel Palčić

A closer look at the beautiful mammatus clouds above Pag

Photogenic shower by Filip Petržílek

A very photogenic shower over Chlumec nad Cidlinou with mammatus clouds and small hail.

Enjoying the rainbow by Douglas Cunha

Monster mammatus clouds over Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Amazing mammatus clouds by Šimon Rogl

Unexpected mammatus spectacle near Otvovice in the Central Bohemia region of Czechia.

Divine lights by Mathieu Goalard

Beautiful sky before the storm, with some mammatus, about twenty minutes before the arrival of thunderstorms

Beautiful mammatus clouds display by Šimon Rogl

This unexpected mammatus spectacle occurred near Otvovice when I was walking the dog

Mammatus clouds and rainbow by Šimon Rogl

Beautiful view of the rainbow shining below the mammatus clouds

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