The celestial fire by Walter Rose

Seems like the sky is taking the picture over me

Huge shelf cloud passing over the island of Pag by Danijel Palčić

A shelf cloud bringing heavy rain and a strong west wind to Lun, Island of Pag

A distinctive shelf cloud over Loučka by Andrea Dadáková

A strong storm with a distinctive structure near Pržno.

Everything is illuminated by Walter Rose

Rain of lightnings over Adriatic sea, Apulian coast

Rush hour is coming by Sendi Smoljo

Huge shelf cloud is coming to eat the city

Impressive supercell near Ajdovščina by Gregor Vojščak

One of my favorite supercells I intercepted near Ajdovščina in W Slovenia

Spectacular HP supercell near Carlino by Klemen Bandelj

Another great day of storm chasing and another beauty caught on camera

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