Precipitation wall by Axel Guibourg

On the Mont Bouquet I watched the evacuation of a strong and isolated storm.

Summer downburst in southern France by Axel Guibourg

An isolated thunderstorm has formed after a very hot and dry afternoon near the Cevennes mountains.

Positive lightning in the Gulf of Trieste by Klemen Bandelj

Positive lightning jumps from the top of the explosive updraft over the Trieste gulf

Isolated cell behind the island of Brijuni by Sendi Smoljo

Isolated cell behind the island of Brijuni on western coast of Istria

Spectacular branched CG lightning bolt by Gregor Vojščak

Nice branched CG lightning behind the island Krk when storms were firing up in Kvarner bay, Croatia

Stunning mammatus clouds by Samuele Pincelli

Beautiful mammatus clouds in Villanova, Modena.

Train passing under a mesocyclone by Alessandro Piazza

Freight train passes under the awesome mesocyclone of this LP supercell

Bavarian sunset thunderstorm by David S. Bache

Nice evening mood during a thunderstorm in Altöting, Bavaria.

Shelf cloud during sunset in Northern Italy by Michi Hutter

Panorama of the intense hail core of this severe line of thunderstorms with a photogenic shelf cloud on its front.

Beautiful HP supercell by Klemen Bandelj

HP supercell near Krsko moments before leaving Slovenia

Epic positive lightning over Velebit by Danijel Palčić

Positive lightning over Velebit, the largest mountain range in Croatia

Mind-blowing green hail core by Alessandro Piazza

Severe storm with shelf cloud and mind blowing green hail core in Guidizzolo, Lombardia

Ingenious crawler lightning in Bavaria by Michi Hutter

An ingenious crawler action on the back of the powerful thunderstorm cell west of Munich.

Colorful storm formations near Ferrara by Michi Hutter

This was the big highlight of a severe weather outbreak on that day in the Plains of Northern Italy.

LP supercell spinning across the Plains of Ferrara by Michi Hutter

This was the first storm during a high-shear setup with multiple supercells in Northern Italy.

Massive shelf cloud in Lombardia by Alessandro Piazza

This scene with a massive shelf cloud and the rain curtain illuminated by the setting sun was absolutely mind blowing!

Supercell in eastern Bohemia by Filip Petržílek

A supercell nested in the squall line, which locally hit Rovensko pod Troskami with hail up to 8-10 cm (3.15-3.94 inches) a few minutes later.

End of a beautiful HP supercell by Emric Imbertie

Beautiful HP supercell in the north of Creuse, France

Beautiful stormy scenery by Filip Petržílek

Amazing scenery after the transition of the HP supercell

Streaks of a vast storm system by Samuele Montedoro

The streaks of a vast storm system arriving from Lombardy during a summer evening

Impressive lightning over Mansle by Serge Zaka

Massive lightning over the village of Mansle in France

Two sisters seducing the photographer by Sendi Smoljo

Isolated cell behind Brijuni Island, on W coast of Istria

Homemade lightning storm by Francesco Dalla Stella

A surprise during the early hours of the 2nd Sunday of july. A high based t-storm approached my hometown with frequent electrical activity and a lot of CG lightnings

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