A supercell is a thunderstorm characterized by the presence of a mesocyclone: a deep, persistently rotating updraft. Supercells usually produce copious amounts of hail, torrential rainfall, strong winds, and substantial downbursts. Supercells are one of the few types of clouds that typically spawn tornadoes within the mesocyclone, although only 30% or fewer do so.

Sunset supercell above Bezdrev by Lukas Gallo
Beautiful supercell above the Bezdrev lake at sunset

Mammatus clouds over Budweis by Lukas Gallo
Amazing view of supercell and mammatus clouds with a rainbow over Budweis in the South Bohemia region of Czechia

Beautiful stationary supercell storm by Gregor Vojščak
Stationary supercell storm near Pordenone, Italy

Incredible LP supercell in Kansas by Laura Hedien
An “LP sup” (low precipitation supercell) near Moscow KS. She was spinning like a top but they rarely produce tornadoes so you sit back and enjoy the show.

Impressive supercell with CG lightnings by Axel Guibourg
A severe storm developed over the Mediterranean coast, next to the Camargue region. An impressive mesocyclone with lots of CG lightning approached my position.

The most photogenic supercell by Gregor Vojščak
The most photogenic supercell of 2019. Probably the most photogenic supercell we chased this year

Storm and a badass horse in Kansas by Anna Gottlieb
This was one beautiful badass horse. It was more interested in the storm chasers lined up along the fence than the huge supercell looming behind it! We made tracks as the gust front hit, hoping the horse found some shelter

Supercell and cows by Axel Guibourg
The Roanne storm cell approached my position. Some cows made a graceful pose for the picture.

Supercell bolt from the blue by Axel Guibourg
After I watched another supercell during that evening, a new storm arrived with a trajectory about ten kilometers further north. So I took the direction of Digoin.

Photogenic supercell in Kansas by Laura Hedien
Always fun trying to take panoramic photos in 40+mph winds

Isolated supercell in Nebraska by Anna Gottlieb
This was the beginnings of the Imperial Mothership supercell. Right from the word ‘go’ it was extremely photogenic

When the sky touches the earth by Anna Gottlieb
This amazing, ground-scraping, tornado-warned monster of a supercell was coming straight for us at this point

The Imperial supercell in B&W by Bruno Gonçalves
Remembering the supercell from Imperial, Nebraska, that continued its evolution, giving a magnificent structure to all chasers present… something truly EPIC!

Magnificent supercell thunderstorm north of Leoti by William Demasi
The majestic Leoti supercell in western Kansas.

The Geuda Springs supercell by Aaron Sperschneider
This supercell displayed its dangerous beauty in the light of the setting sun. The blue sky was visible on the left while the anvil spread out above it at a height of around 15 km.

Severe warned supercell over Plainview by Bruno Gonçalves
Severe warned supercell over Plainview in Texas, with beautiful structure and 120km/h wind gusts

Amazing supercell near Vicenza by Klemen Bandelj
The beauty near Vicenza, a city in the Veneto region of northeast Italy

Train passing under a mesocyclone by Alessandro Piazza
Freight train passes under the awesome mesocyclone of this LP supercell

Close lightning strike by Emric Imbertie
Back to the highlight of the 2020 storm season

The perfect storm by Walter Rose
Supercell off the coast of Polignano a Mare in its most acute phase

Supercell near San Antonio by Andreas Feichtmeier
Mesmerizing supercell near San Antonio, Texas

Underneath a monster supercell by Mark De Bruin
Monster storm at Faribault, Minnesota

Significant lightning activity in Wallachia by Andrea Dadáková
Night supercell with significant lighting activity captured in Wallachia.