Shelf cloud
A shelf cloud is a low, horizontal, wedge-shaped arcus cloud. A shelf cloud is attached to the base of the parent cloud, which is usually a thunderstorm cumulonimbus, but could form on any type of convective clouds. Rising cloud motion can often be seen in the leading (outer) part of the shelf cloud, while the underside often appears turbulent and wind-torn. More… Cool, sinking air from a storm cloud’s downdraft spreads out across the land surface, with the leading edge called a gust front. This outflow cuts under warm air being drawn into the storm’s updraft. As the lower and cooler air lifts the warm moist air, its water condenses, creating a cloud which often rolls with the different winds above and below (wind shear).

Stunning shelf cloud near Canelones by Mati Mederos
Shelf cloud over Route 11 near Canelones, Uruguay

Mesmerizing shelf cloud over Route 11 by Mati Mederos
Amazing shelf cloud over Route 11 near Canelones, Uruguay

Amazing shelf cloud over Adriatic Sea by Danijel Palčić
Beautiful shelf cloud near the Island of Pag

Strong thunderstorm with a shelf cloud by Andreas Feichtmeier
Thunderstorm with a nice shelf cloud in southern Germany.

Beautiful shelf cloud by Gregor Vojščak
Beautiful shelf cloud from the dominant outflow supercell we chased in Croatia

Beautiful shelf cloud south of Munich by Michi Hutter
After a hot day, numerous thunderstorms formed between the Alps and Munich.

Massive shelf cloud over Provodovice by Andrea Dadáková
Stunning shelf cloud over Provodovice, Czechia

Mesmerizing shelf cloud over Baltic Sea by Marius Block
Another view of an impressive shelf cloud at the coast of the Baltic Sea

Monster storm in Uruguaiana by Douglas Cunha
The beautiful shelf cloud Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Shelf cloud during sunset in Northern Italy by Michi Hutter
Panorama of the intense hail core of this severe line of thunderstorms with a photogenic shelf cloud on its front.

Flaming sky by Sütő Máté
It was a magical sunset when a nice storm came to me with this perfect red shelf cloud

Laminar structures on a storm east of Munich by Michi Hutter
After moving towards Eastern Bavaria, the lightning activity quickly increased and beautiful laminar structures formed on this shelf cloud near Dorfen.

A shelf cloud over the Baltic coast by Marius Block
Impressive shelf cloud near the lighthouse in the north of Schleswig-Holstein

Shelf cloud in southern Germany by Andreas Feichtmeier
Shelf cloud near Ulm in southern Germany

Northern tail of mighty shelf cloud by Sendi Smoljo
Huge shelf cloud is coming to eat the city

Shelf cloud and lightning by Lukas Gallo
The Bernartice shelf cloud and lightning.

The Bernartice shelf cloud by Lukas Gallo
Amazing shelf cloud near Bernartice in portrait format.

Massive squall line in Nebraska by Aaron Sperschneider
Nothing happened for a long time that day over rural Nebraska. Just some weak thunderstorms.

Huge shelf cloud passing over the island of Pag by Danijel Palčić
A shelf cloud bringing heavy rain and a strong west wind to Lun, Island of Pag

Shelf cloud in Comacchio by Samuele Montedoro
The afternoon passage of the front above Valli e Saline di Comacchio with its strong outflow winds and beautiful shelf cloud.

Shelf cloud in front of the town of Pag by Danijel Palčić
Impressive shelf cloud in front of Pag

Massive shelf cloud in Lombardia by Alessandro Piazza
This scene with a massive shelf cloud and the rain curtain illuminated by the setting sun was absolutely mind blowing!

A distinctive shelf cloud over Loučka by Andrea Dadáková
A strong storm with a distinctive structure near Pržno.